Bulk rename utility windows
Bulk rename utility windows

bulk rename utility windows

Go ahead and create this directory structure with all the files and modules except for window.ui and

  • window.ui holds a Qt Designer file that contains the code for the application’s main window in XML format.
  • You’ll see how to generate this file using pyuic5.
  • contains the Python code for the application’s main window.
  • enables ui/ as a Python package.
  • It’ll contain the following files and modules: The ui/ subdirectory will provide a package to store GUI-related code.
  • provides the application’s GUI and related functionalities.
  • provides the file renaming functionalities.
  • provides the PyQt skeleton application.
  • enables rprename/ as a Python package.
  • Then you have the rprename/ directory that will hold a Python package with the following modules:
  • provides an entry-point script to run the application.
  • requirements.txt provides the list of external dependencies for the project.
  • Having a file for your project is considered a best practice in programming, especially if you’re planning to release it as an open source solution.

    bulk rename utility windows bulk rename utility windows provides a general project description and instructions on installing and running the application.Here, rprename_project/ is the project’s root directory, where you’ll create the following files:

    Bulk rename utility windows